1310-0368-38 Roto-Xtend Atlas Copco Replacement Lubricant 5 gallon

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Regular price $189.00 USD
Regular price Sale $439.00 USD Sale price $189.00 USD

1310-0368-38 Roto-Xtend Atlas Copco Replacement Lubricant 5 gallon

1310-0368-38 Roto-Xtend Atlas Copco Replacement Lubricant 5 gallon

Our 1310-0368-38 Roto-Xtend Atlas Copco Replacement Lubricant 5 gallon is a Premium Grade Synthetic replacement air compressor oil designed for Atlas Copco rotary screw air compressors. It offers full pour over compatibility with existing air compressor lubricant. This compatibility means that flushing of the existing compressor oil is not necessary to change to1310-0368-38 Roto-Xtend Atlas Copco Replacement Lubricant 5 gallon, reducing maintenance costs and downtime and offers superb resistance against water contamination with an extended service life of 8,000 hours